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Black Tea Recipe - English Recipe Writing

How to write a recipe for black tea? Prepare a recipe to prepare a cup of black tea including the ingredients and steps to prepare tea. [ English free writing for students]

Making a cup of black tea


a cup of black tea
A cup of Black Tea

Ingredients required to prepare a cup of black tea

  1. Dried tea-leaves
  2. Sugar
  3. Water
  4. Cooking utensils (kettle, teapot, spoon, strainer, etc.)


Procedure to prepare a cup of black tea

  1. First, boil a cup of water  in a kettle about 3-5 minutes.
  2. After that, pour the hot water into the teapot.
  3. Now, add the dried tea leaves into the teapot. Dont add too many dried tea leaves because the tea will be too thick to drink. Cover the teapot with its lid.
  4. Wait for about 3 minutes until the tea becomes dark in colour. You can smell the aroma coming up.
  5. Add sugar according to your taste, and stir it with a spoon.
  6. Now, the tea is ready to serve.

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