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Sanduk Ruit : Class 10 Nepali Exercise

If you are searching for पाठ्-३ सन्दुक रुइत Chapter-3 Sanduk Ruit Class 10 Nepali exercise, notes and solutions then you are at the right place.

Sanduk Ruit: Class 10 Nepali Exercise


Summary of Class 10 Nepali Chapter 3 Sanduk Ruit

Class 10 Nepali Chapter 3 Sanduk Ruit is a biography written by the editor of Class 10 Nepali book developed by Janak publication under the Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) of Nepal.

Sanduk Ruit is a Nepali eye surgeon who is famous all over the world for his works in Eye checkups and treatment. He is also famous as the God of sight as he has treated the eyes of many people all over the world including Nepal and other countries.

He was born in the difficult terrain of Taplejung where there were no schools, hospitals and other basic services. His brothers and sisters died from the minor disease in the lack of treatment as the hospital was far away from their house. This inspired him to become a doctor.

 His father took him to Darjeeling for his study as there were no schools nearby his home. As the war between India and China started, all the schools in Darjeeling got closed. Then he went to Siddhartha Banasthali school in Kathmandu from where he passed his SLC. He passed his I.Sc from Tribhuvan college. For studying M.B.B.S, he went to Kings George college in Mumbai, India. Furthermore, he was inspired to be an eye surgeon because, by eye surgery, he could instantly make people happy.

He conducted eye checkup programs in remote areas of Nepal. The population of Nepal having eye problems decreased by a great number due to his efforts. He invented a simple eye treatment affordable for all. Before his invention, eye treatment was very difficult and unaffordable. He invented an eye treatment called Ruit Techtomy which was very easy and affordable for all people.  He also invented an intraocular lens which was to be used in Ruit Techtomy. The eye patients could easily get their sight from this lens. This was a great achievement in the field of eye checkups and treatment.

For this invention, he was identified all over the world. He got many prizes. A short film called “Through the Darkness’ was made depicting his life. National geographics and many other news media depicted his story all over the world. He proved that nothing is impossible in the world. Born in the difficult terrain of Nepal, he became a doctor, inventor, and social worker and got the title of God. This is a lesson for those Nepali people who say nothing can be done in the land of Nepal and fly to foreign countries. There is a lot to learn from Sanduk Ruit.   

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Sanduk Ruit Class 10 Nepali exercise

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